I withdraw my desire this proposal.  In Roster we wouldn't want these /16
network families---we just wanted to collapse some relays together when we
reliably believe they have the same operator, and there's no reason to
believe the majority of relays within a /16 are owned by the same person.

Ergo, Roster will forgo this kind of merging.


On Friday, 5 February 2016, Karsten Loesing <kars...@torproject.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> [Removing metrics-team@ to avoid cross posting.]
> On 28/01/16 21:22, Tim Wilson-Brown - teor wrote:
> >
> >> On 29 Jan 2016, at 07:20, Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.net <javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 06:33:51 +1100 Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
> >> <teor2...@gmail.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Tor already considers relays in the same IPv4 /16 to be in the
> >>> same family.
> >>
> >> Maybe a step further in this would be to autoextend manually
> >> declared families with all relays running on the same IPs of any
> >> relays in the family. Dunno how complex or how useful this would
> >> be. It could at least fix-up some outdated or missed
> >> declarations.
> >
> > In Tor, or OnionOO?
> >
> > Tor already does this using the IP address whenever a path is
> > built. If Tor added it on the relay side, then we'd bloat
> > descriptors for no reason.
> Agreed.
> > If OnionOO added it, it would save OnionOO clients some work.
> Let's consider this.  I'm pasting current definitions of related
> Onionoo fields here, so that people can follow more easily:
>  - "effective_family": Array of $-prefixed fingerprints of relays that
> are in an effective, mutual family relationship with this relay. These
> relays are part of this relay's family and they consider this relay to
> be part of their family. Omitted if empty or if descriptor containing
> this information cannot be found.
>  - "alleged_family": Array of $-prefixed fingerprints of relays that
> are not in an effective, mutual family relationship with this relay.
> These relays are part of this relay's family but they don't consider
> this relay to be part of their family. Omitted if empty or if
> descriptor containing this information cannot be found.
>  - "indirect_family": Array of $-prefixed fingerprints of relays that
> are not in an effective, mutual family relationship with this relay
> but that can be reached by following effective, mutual family
> relationships starting at this relay. Omitted if empty or if
> descriptor containing this information cannot be found.
> Now, from reading this thread I can see us adding or extending the
> following fields:
>  - Extend "effective_family" to also include relays on the same IP
> address or in the same /16.  I'd rather not want to do this, because
> we wouldn't be able to say whether that other relay is in a mutually
> declared family relationship or just runs on a nearby IP address.
>  - Add new "network_family" field with fingerprints of all relays in
> the same /16.  Plausible, but duplicates fingerprints that are already
> in "effective_family".
>  - Add new "network_family" field with only those fingerprints of
> relays in the same /16 that are not contained in "effective_family".
> "Tor considers these relays to be part of your relay's family, because
> they have similar enough network addresses.  If you are running them,
> please consider setting the family option."  Plausible, though not
> trivial to grasp without further explanation.
>  - Add new "extended_network_family" field with fingerprints of relays
> in the same /16 as this relay or relays in "effective_family" and
> "indirect_family", except for fingerprints in those two fields.  Also
> plausible for the Roster use case to identify all relays close to the
> family that the user may have omitted in their family definitions.
> Not sure if this is necessary.
>  - Add new "abandoned_family" field with fingerprints of relays that
> declare this relay to be part of their family but that are not
> contained in this relay's family declaration.  Looks like we never
> considered this field before, but it might be useful to help relay
> operators fix their family declarations.
> Which of these fields would be useful to have?  "All of them" is not a
> good response, because we shouldn't make Onionoo responses bigger if
> nobody uses the new data.  But I'm happy to discuss use cases and then
> add new fields as required.
> All the best,
> Karsten
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
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> BUM2XCao0HABwpdBOrinfpybuGUSPXjrqw8expkUE+w2VuzOdkkNod1J3wgFyXc=
> =KM0S
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