On 02/28/2016 11:42 AM, Jamis Hartley wrote:
> Because the support people in the call center are not IT people. They
> don't understand computers and were never trained with tor nodes. They
> were literally given cookie cutter responses to tell you when you come
> and say that you are being blocked because of a proxy. They don't have
> any knowledge of the tech behind it.

I'll disagree to that. A few hours ago, Netflix's tech support guided me
through a completely unrelated technical issue, but the technician was
highly knowledgeable in IT, security, and the workings of the Internet.
Obviously, I was only chatting with him for a few minutes while my
equipment was rebooting and I have a sample size of one, but I don't
think it's fair to dismiss the technical capacities of people in call
centers just because they work in call centers.

For an issue like this, you probably need to try to talk to someone
above the average tech support responder, since they are trained to how
to diagnose and repair common issues, and "Netflix is blocking non-exit
Tor relays" certainly isn't high on that list.

Jesse V

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