I am assuming that you want to know how to stop tor entirely? Just to
find out more about your tor-installation, could you give us the
following information?

State the output of:

tor --list-fingerprint

and: (SSH-access to the computer possible?)
ps -e | grep ssh

and: (lists the users of your computer)
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd

and: (who is in the group of sudoers?)
grep -Po '^sudo.+:\K.*$' /etc/group

All commands can be run without sudo.

What do you mean with "Tor is only the tip of the iceberg."

If you don't want this, maybe a clean install would handle your problems?


On 5/29/2016 5:28 PM, Percy Blakeney wrote:
> Like I stated a few minutes ago, I am and have been running Tor from my
> location yet I have nothing to do with it.  I have been sitting on this
> for a while.  Before anyone comes down on me for it, you have to
> understand what I've been going through with my network.  Tor is only
> the tip of the iceberg.  This is as of today:
> usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc
> DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
> PIDFile /var/run/tor/tor.pid
> RunasDaemon 1
> user debian-tor
> control socket /var/run/tor/control
> control socket group writable 1
> cookie authentication 1
> cookie auth file group readable 1
> cookie auth file /var/run/tor/control-authcookie
> log notice file /var/log/tor/log
> etc/tor/torrc
> contact info 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot com>
> #Dirport 80 No Listen
> #Dirport <> No Advertise
> #Dirport front page /etc/tor/tor-exit-notice.html
> #Exit Policy Accept *:6660-6667, reject *:* #allow irc ports but no more
> #accept *:119 # accept nntp as well as default exit policy
> var/lib/tor
> lock-Mon 16 May 2016 09:48:32 PM EDT (File content is not visible to me)
> cached-certs-Mon 16 May 2016 09:48:32 PM EDT (File content is not
> visible to me)
> cached-microdescs-Mon 16 May 2016 10:18:34 PM EDT (File content is not
> visible to me)
> cached-microdescs.new-Mon 16 May 2016 10:18:34 PM EDT (File content is
> not visible to me)
> state-Wed 25 May 2016 04:36:02 AM EDT (This one IS visible)
> cached-microdesc-consensus-Sun 29 May 2016 09:17:15 AM EDT (File content
> is not visible to me)
> tor.pid-32156
> /var/lib/tor/state
> #Tor state file last generated on 2016-05-25 04:36:02 local time
> #Other times below are in UTC
> #You *do not* need to edit this file.
> EntryGuard Jans 50586E25BE067FD1F739998550EDDCB1A14CA5B2 DirCache
> EntryGuardAddedBy 50586E25BE067FD1F739998550EDDCB1A14CA5B2
> 2016-04-28 16:16:20
> THERE'S WAY more to the above file but I'm not sure what I should and
> shouldn't share on here.  As a matter of fact, I'm not sure what half of
> this stuff means so I've spent the last few months trying to educate
> myself on as much of this as possible.  Like I said, I am MORE than
> willing to talk to anyone out there who may be able to help.  
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> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
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