Andreas Krey:
> That will cause issues for everyone that happens to select your
> relay and the 'blocked' relays in a circuit - the connections will
> just fail, and the user will wonder what happened, and why TBB
> doesn't work.

Sure, I made a notice that you shouldn't do it if you care about the
users (may be it was vague):
> [Note also, that it makes performance poorer compared to the case
> when it's defined by policy]

> If it's deemed that relay operators should have local policies such
> as "ExcludePeerRelays", try discussing towards a ticket for that
> instead.

The introduction of peering policy definitely solves this issue in a
transparent and harmless way. Filed a ticket #19625 [1] to move this

Sebastian Hahn:
> This is a good way to get marked as a bad relay. Please never 
> actually do this on a relay in the Tor network.

Curious, never knew that. Could you please send a link or whatever that
explains how this marking/detection works?
By the way, the only way to 'mark relay as bad' I know is to assign
BadExit flag (but it's only for exits). Is there something else?


Ivan Markin
tor-relays mailing list

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