This is only relevant for debian users.

If you assume you can manage your instances with the usual systemctl commands 
systemctl disable/enable tor@myinstance
beware that they have no effect.

Note: systemctl start/stop works as expected.

This is important to know especially if you have multiple configurations and 
want to enable/disable some of them to avoid running them concurrently.

I don't know the reasoning behind that design decision but all your instances 
are enabled due to [1],
you cannot use the well known systemctl disable command like
systemctl disable tor@myinstance
to disable a specific instance.
If you want to disable them you can use the 'mask' command:
systemctl mask tor@myinstance
this is less convenient because this way you wont be able to run
systemctl start tor@myinstance (on a masked unit)
or move configuration files away (also less convenient than native 

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