RX packets:1053088862188 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:511390 frame:0
          TX packets:306784541602 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1413645618747401 (1.2 PiB)  TX
bytes:317045507788162 (288.3 TiB)

Over half a million packets lost. Nothing to worry at all. Even good
packets get sometimes hurt. I would not worry about your 11 packets :)


2016-08-15 21:50 GMT+02:00 Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.net>:
> On Mon, 15 Aug 2016 20:08:31 +0200
> Pi3 <tor-rel...@mixbox.pl> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just started running my little 5 mbits mid relay on Pi3 on raspbian and 
>> all seems to be dandy,
>>  it picked traffic nicely, hovering around 700-800 total connections,
>> its not unusual to see it pushing full advertised bandwidth during peak 
>> hours (with ~20-25% load on 1 core, multithread pls come already), tldr so 
>> far nice.
>> Except with 3days uptime and 20 gigs of data relayed ifconfig shows 11 
>> (eleven) packets dropped on eth0.
>> Google says it can be ring buffer on NIC getting full, but
>> ethtool -g eth0 says
>> Ring parameters for eth0: Cannot get device ring settings: Operation not 
>> supported
>> ethtool -S eth0 = no stats available
>> Htop avg load is 0.30, tor uses 121/950mb of ram. Im running standard 
>> conntrack cstate established related iptable rule with default drop.
>> Pi3 is in LAN behind modem nat.
>> It worries me because if I get more consensus, drops will probably go up.
>> I didnt apply any sysctl tweaks. Using official deb
>> NIC is Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter and 
>> its internally connected to usb2 by design - it shows under lsusb.
>> ethtool says 100Mb/s full duplex.
>> Tor log is clean with only heartbeat in it, syslog seemed ok also if I didnt 
>> miss anything.
>> Or is it so marginal I should forget about it?
>> Im not sure what should I do about it, any suggestions are welcomed.
>> Thanks
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