> On 19 Aug 2016, at 06:50, majacobs <t...@tent.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Is my understanding correct that is NOT possible to run an accesspoint that 
> connects to tor running a relay instead of an exit-node?
> I am able to torify programs running on the system , but need the acces point 
> to be torified for some clients that need to go through tor. I am aware that 
> this is possible if I run an exit node but my isp is seeing malware traffic 
> every week or do if I do so…

It's entirely ok for Tor clients to send traffic to tor exits on the other side 
of the world.
It's also ok to set up a bridge for your local tor clients, and have them 
access the tor network through that bridge.

There's no need to run an exit relay locally.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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