Okay :(

http://i.imgur.com/r1ZxAAH.png Is there anything important missing?

2016-08-24 0:22 GMT+02:00 Roger Dingledine <a...@mit.edu>:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:53:04PM +0200, Markus Koch wrote:
>> > Do the log files give you any hints?
>> I copied all the stuff, checked it and deleted the old vps. So I only see 
>> the new logfiles and they are fine, tor finds everything but with a 
>> different fingerprint. If the config would be in a different dir on the old 
>> vps, how comes that there are config files in both dirs?
> Well, a different fingerprint means a different identity key. Maybe
> you didn't copy the identity key over correctly?
> I notice your old one was Tor version and your new one is Tor
> So maybe it is a newer Debian, or maybe the timing is just
> coincidence.
> I also notice that your new Tor relay didn't start out with any
> past estimated bandwidth. That makes me think your state file didn't
> get transferred either. (These are all the BWHistory* lines.)
> So I think your torrc did transfer correctly, but not your datadirectory.
> --Roger
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