# The following sets which ports can exit the tor network through you. For more
# information and updates on the suggested policy see:
# https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/ReducedExitPolicy
ExitPolicy accept *:53        # DNS

# ports for general internet browsing
ExitPolicy reject* # Gute Frage :(
ExitPolicy reject* # gute Frage :(
ExitPolicy reject* # South Korea
ExitPolicy reject* # tax spam
ExitPolicy reject* # tax spam
ExitPolicy reject* # tax spam
ExitPolicy reject* # tax spam
ExitPolicy reject* # tax spam
ExitPolicy reject* # tax spam
ExitPolicy reject # TAX SPAM
ExitPolicy reject  # TAX SPAM
ExitPolicy reject  # TAX SPAM
ExitPolicy reject  # TAX SPAM
ExitPolicy reject  # TAX SPAM
ExitPolicy reject  # TAX SPAM
ExitPolicy reject* #Hacking Fail2ban
ExitPolicy accept *:80        # HTTP
ExitPolicy accept *:81        # HTTP Alternate
ExitPolicy accept *:443       # HTTPS
ExitPolicy accept *:3128      # SQUID
ExitPolicy accept *:8008      # HTTP Alternate
ExitPolicy accept *:8080      # HTTP Proxy
ExitPolicy reject *:*         # prevents any exit traffic not permitted above

Thats part of my DigitalOcean torrc file. I got the fucking tax spam
and the south korea bank on every droplet ever, so I would advise you
to do the same reject. Its helping to only allow HTTP + HTTPS. But
with the new circle I am just 2 weeks in and already 5 abuse mails.
And these exits should go to a friend ... I need more spare time :/


2016-10-07 23:49 GMT+02:00 Tristan <supersluet...@gmail.com>:
> Guess I'm next. My relay has been running for 3 months now. I'm doing my
> best to be a good neighbor though. After the first month, I got an SSH
> abuse, so now I reject SSH traffic. A month later I got an SQL hack attempt,
> and I switched to the reduced-reduced exit policy. Haven't gotten anything
> else yet.
> On Oct 7, 2016 4:34 PM, "Markus Koch" <niftybu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> They will kick you after 2-3 months. Delete account, make new account.
> They will kick you after 2-3 months. Delete account, make new account.
> They will kick you after 2-3 months. Delete account, make new account.
> They will kick you after 2-3 months. Delete account, make new account.
> Welcome to DigitalOcean!
> Markus
> 2016-10-07 23:23 GMT+02:00 pa011 <pa...@web.de>:
>> Seems like even DO is not very much in favour of running Exits any more ?
>> Anybody made the same experience - how to handle this please ?
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Paul
>> "Hello -Although we do not specifically disallow TOR exit nodes, as the
>> account holder you are responsible for all the traffic going through your
>> droplet (including traffic that an exit node may generate).
>> Also be aware that we do not allow some of the traffic types that come out
>> of a typical TOR exit node (torrents, spam, SSH probes, hacking attempts,
>> botnets, DDoS, etc).
>> If you are unable to stop this sort of traffic, please reconsider running
>> a TOR exit node as it may lead to your account suspension or termination.
>> Please refer to our Terms of Service for greater detail on this issue:
>> https://www.digitalocean.com/legal/terms/
>> Best,
>> DigitalOcean Support "
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