On 10/26/16 8:22 PM, Kenneth Freeman wrote:
> An Idaho nonprofit has expressed guarded interest in Tor. Ideally I'd
> like them to run an exit node without fuss or bother, but the Tor
> Project's Tips on Running an Exit Node only covers limited liability
> corporations (LLCs) regarding the legal/corporate set-up. Is there
> anything to add, or is that sufficient? Thanks in advance.

Hi Kenneth

I am with a New York state non-profit organization that runs a number of
exits.  I am not a lawyer, but I have surely spent years discussing
these and other related issues with many lawyers.

I could be wrong, but I think LLC was only mentioned as an example of a
type of legal entity in that article.  It's not that you couldn't use a
classic "C corporation" just the same.   The central point was to have a
separate legal entity - a corporation ( even an incorporated association
or club might work.)  A non-profit is generally formed as a corporation

So probably that Idaho nonprofit would be fine.  I'd be happy to talk to
them if it's helpful, and/or provide referrals to others.


 Nicholas Merrill
 Executive Director
 The Calyx Institute
 287 Spring Street
 New York, NY 10013
 Jabber: n...@calyxinstitute.org

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