This doesn't help you solve your problem, but it's relevant.

I run Tor network simulations and see this all the time. I haven't taken
the time to look into it, and always have assumed it's just a minor
misconfiguration in the simulator or something that only exists
_because_ it's a simulation.

And ... it looks like teor swooped in and opened a ticket for the log spam.


Tobias Sachs:
> Hey,
> my Tor relay
> balks with the following message which is repeated in the log with the
> "info" logging level up to 23251 times at the exact same millisecond.
> The relay responds at :9030/tor/server/authority with a 503 error.
> router_pick_published_address(): Success: chose address 'x.x.x.x'
> This is a counting from the log with the corresponding timestamp.
> Nov 01 18:37:13.000 - 23251
> Nov 01 18:37:22.000 - 59
> Nov 01 18:38:17.000 - 23195
> Nov 01 18:38:22.000 - 57
> Nov 01 19:19:22.000 - 50
> Nov 01 19:19:23.000 - 312
> Nov 01 19:19:24.000 - 333
> Nov 01 19:19:25.000 - 74
> Nov 01 19:20:22.000 - 52
> Nov 01 19:38:17.000 - 23207
> Nov 01 20:38:17.000 - 23232
> 140 times exactly 49 repeats in around 2 hours.
> Interesting is that there is no error about this 503 error in the log
> only my monitoring is aware of the issue.
> I hope you coul'd help me out with this issue.
> Best Regards
> Tobias
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