Ok, as I am new to freeBSD some more questions please:

 [WARN] Your server (x.x.x.x.:4443) has not managed to confirm that its ORPort 
is reachable. Relays do not publish descriptors until their ORPort and DirPort 
are reachable.

What do I have to do  - how to best set-up a decent strong firewall on a 
freeBSD Exit?
Is there any further helpful documentation around apart from the freeBSD 
handbook to get my learning curve up more quickly?

The more detailed the better :-) - Thanks in advance 

Am 02.12.2016 um 01:00 schrieb diffusae:
> See you ...
> :-)
> On 02.12.2016 00:57, pa011 wrote:
>> solved, as far as I can see now - maybe more tomorrow..
>> Thank you very much gentlemen for your help :-) !!!
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