On 06/12/16 21:10, SuperSluether wrote:
I don't know the actual numbers for the Raspberry Pi 1, I was just quoting from Duncan: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2016-December/011182.html

I was told this figure by a friend who tried networking "stuff" on a Pi. From personal experience also, I have found they are just a bit rubbish, other than for using a probe for OONI, and for a short time using it to try out NetBSD and various other operating systems.

My original figure may have been... somewhat off. With different models they may have updated the network hardware. Certainly on the new ones they are better, but there are deeper flaws with the Raspberry Pi's hardware, e.g. the omnipotent GPU blob and various other proprietary parts that make supporting it non-trivial compared to say, the BeagleBone Black.

A more general point is that old desktop computers still offer better performance than a Raspberry Pi. You can easily get one for considerably less than the cost of a Pi, and there are also issues of network diversity with the Raspberry Pi - if some flaw was exploited in the various nasty proprietary bits that make up the Pi, much of the network might be compromised - due to large similarities across the different models, this would affect considerable numbers of devices. So using many different computer models with a large variety of operating systems is ideal for the network as a whole.

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