
Does anybody know how to convert this to pf rules in FreeBSD:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d -j REDIRECT --to-ports

I' running a Tor client in a jail on a different IP and want to route
only the .onion traffic through.

The DNS stuff is working fine, but I can't find a solution for the above
iptables rule, which is working. I like transparently do DNS and Routing
for .onion traffic on the network.

I looked into the wiki and also find some pf rules, which are routing
all the traffic though Tor, but this only works locally.

The machine is on FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE. Tor is running in a jail with
cloned loopback interface (lo1) and has also a private IP address on the
main NIC.

Maybe you have some hints.

Thanks a lot


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