On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Zalezny Niezalezny
<zalezny.niezale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have 100mbit Up/Down connection at home. Most of the day, my connection is 
> not use. Mostly between 22:00-17:00.
> I would like to share my Internet connection for Tor. If I will setup some 
> crontabs to start/stop my tor relay between that hours, will it work ?  Does 
> it make sense ? Will TOR network know that my relay is working only between 
> 22:00 and 17:00 and will push some more traffic to me ?
> How to properly configure such a relay which is working only for a few hours 
> per day ?

Have you considered a prioritizing router/traffic shaper? Prioritizing
everything but Tor should give you the maximum utilization
automatically, without cutting in to the performance while browsing or
playing games etc. It is likely that you don't come close to 100
Mbit/s even during the time you use your network, even when streaming
video, so it might not even show up as a dip for any Tor users.
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