Hi Roger,

Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 11:04:31PM +0100, Alexander Nasonov wrote:
> > I tried moving a tor relay with offline master key to a new host but
> > something went wrong and it printed several warnings:
> > 
> > http status 400 ("Looks like your keypair does not match its older value.") 
> > response from dirserver
> This complaint happens when in the past you ran the relay with a given
> RSA identity key and ED identity key, and now one of them has changed.

Indeed, that instance used to run with RSA key.

> Either move back to both of the original identity keys, or discard both
> identity keys and start fresh.

I started fresh.

> In theory (i.e. assuming no surprising bugs), updating your signing key
> should not be relevant here.

So, uploading a new signing key a bit early shouldn't be a problem,
right? In this case, I can change '1 month' to '33 days' in my cron.

Many thanks to your help!

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