Good morning,

Since the Nickname option is merely cosmetic, we can safely reuse an expired 
Tor exit node's nickname on a new Tor exit node with no adverse side effects on 
directories, metrics sites, or the network as a whole?

Make your day great,
Isaac Grover, Senior I.T. Consultant
Aileron I.T. - "Practical & Proactive I.T. Solutions"

O: 715-377-0440, F:715-690-1029, W: 


-----Original Message-----
From: tor-relays [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Best practices to move a Tor node?

> On 27 Jul 2017, at 23:10, niftybunny <> wrote:
> ...
>> On 27. Jul 2017, at 15:07, Isaac Grover, Aileron I.T. 
>> <> wrote:
>> Good morning from Wisconsin,
>> What are the best practices with regards to moving a Tor node to a 
>> new server in a different country? Is it as simple as securely 
>> transferring files to the new server and restarting the Tor service
> Yes :)

You can also delete the old keys and start a new relay.

It's more secure, better for network load balancing, and easier to get it right.

Your new VPS likely has different network performance to your old VPS, and 
transferring the keys transfers the old performance measurements. It's better 
for clients that performance measurements are accurate, even if it takes some 
time for your new relay to be measured.

See this thread for more details:


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B ricochet:ekmygaiu4rzgsk6n
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org

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