Thanks for the info, I will ask my ISP.


On 17 September 2017 at 11:23, Sebastian Hahn <>

> Hi there,
> > On 17. Sep 2017, at 01:19, Graeme Neilson <> wrote:
> >
> > I am running a relay but 4 out of 8 directory authorities appear to
> being blocked by my ISP.
> > There is no route to the blocked authorities and the last responding tcp
> traceroute hop is an ISP machine. There are routes via IPv6 though.
> >
> > Is there anything I can do to get my relay in the consensus?
> Your only option would be to ask your ISP to uncensor the internet,
> unfortunately. Tor requires that all relays are able to contact all
> other relays, and those which cannot participate in the network.
> Sorry I don't have better news, thank you for wanting to help make
> the Tor network stronger :/
> Cheers
> Sebastian
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