> On 26 Jan 2018, at 03:30, niftybunny <ab...@to-surf-and-protect.net> wrote:
> You only define what the max bw is. The “real” bw Tor is using depends on the 
> measurement of the authority servers. 
> https://atlas.torproject.org/#search/flag:authority

And it depends on the bandwidth history of the relay.
The network doesn't allocate bandwidth to relays that can't handle it.

Try these steps:


> If you have a bad connection to them: bad luck :(
> Pro tip: Get yourself a very cheap VPS with good connections and you will see 
> lots of traffic.
> Markus
> “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our 
> citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'”
> --David Cameron, 2015
>> On 25. Jan 2018, at 15:29, MarkIt8Dude <markit8d...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’d like to understand something about Advertised Bandwidth.
>> I set up my Tor Relay 3 months ago.
>> With the following settings :
>> RelayBandwidthRate 1250 KBytes
>> RelayBandwidthBurst 1450 KBytes
>> But i only get and Advertised Bandwidth of 83.79 KiB/s.
>> Very far from my settings.
>> And also it makes me think that my relay is completely useless …☹
>> Any suggestions ?
>> Thx,
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