I've opend the ports in my router. Could anybody be so kind to check my log and 
tell me wether it's ok or not?

Mar 03 00:05:38.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable 
from the outside. Excellent.
Mar 03 00:05:45.000 [notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.
Mar 03 00:09:29.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is reachable 
from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.
Mar 03 00:52:15.000 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Mar 03 00:52:47.000 [warn] Controller gave us config lines that didn't 
validate: RelayBandwidthBurst must be at least equal to RelayBandwidthRate.
Mar 03 01:03:52.000 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Mar 03 01:04:03.000 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Mar 03 01:04:29.000 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Mar 03 04:33:03.000 [notice] Received reload signal (hup). Reloading config and 
resetting internal state.
Mar 03 04:33:03.000 [notice] Read configuration file 
Mar 03 04:33:03.000 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".
Mar 03 04:33:03.000 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Mar 03 06:04:27.000 [notice] Heartbeat: Tor's uptime is 5:59 hours, with 2 
circuits open. I've sent 70.69 MB and received 76.91 MB.
Mar 03 06:04:27.000 [notice] Circuit handshake stats since last time: 0/0 TAP, 
4/4 NTor.
Mar 03 06:04:27.000 [notice] Since startup, we have initiated 0 v1 connections, 
0 v2 connections, 0 v3 connections, and 64 v4 connections; and received 0 v1 
connections, 0 v2 connections, 10 v3 connections, and 193 v4 connections.
Mar 03 07:35:04.000 [notice] Received reload signal (hup). Reloading config and 
resetting internal state.
Mar 03 07:35:04.000 [notice] Read configuration file 
Mar 03 07:35:04.000 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".


Mar 03 07:35:04.000 [notice] Tor opening new log file.
Mar 03 08:12:11.000 [warn] Failed to start child process "tor-fw-helper" in 
state 9: No such file or directory


Am 02.03.2018 um 22:18 schrieb Matthew Finkel:
> Hi!
> On Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 09:34:02PM +0100, peter.zehet...@liwest.at wrote:
>> OK, now I've set PortForwarding in Tor-Arm from "False" to "True", then 
>> restarted Tor:
> Hrm, I'm not sure this will do what you want. In fact, this may do
> absolutely nothing. Do you have administative access into your network
> router? Maybe there is a website interface you used. This is where you
> should configure port forwarding. Unfortunately this is complicated and
> not easy plug-n-play.
>> ...has not managed to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Relays do not 
>> publish descriptors until their ORPort and DirPort are reachable. Please 
>> check...
>> I'm going to run a non-exit-relay and I'm going to do this at home.
>> Peter
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