Good evening!
I've just finished v4.2 of The Onion Box, the WebInterface to monitor your Tor node(s) in action.
From the release notes:
  • Fix for issue due to previous operation with pip internal function that was deliberately changed with pip10. Closes #45.
  • Bootstrap updated to v4; subsequently adaptation of page templates.
  • Glider for bandwidth charts to better support mobile displays.
  • Functionality added to locally persist longterm bandwidth information - to compensate for data removed from the Tor network data protocol.
  • Functionality added to support system temperature display on Darwin/OS X systems.
  • Various smaller changes.
You can grab the latest version from GitHub or PyPI.
Feel encouraged to contact me in case you have any issues or feedback (good or bad).
Thank's for using The Onion Box!
Have fun!
Best regards,
tor-relays mailing list

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