Hi tor-relays mailing list,

I have created a tool called FamilyGenerator. FamilyGenerator is a tool to automatically construct a Tor MyFamily line based on Onionoo parameters.

Why? If you run multiple relays, it can become hard to keep your MyFamily line updated if you add or remove relays. FamilyGenerator makes it easier (and automated if you use cron, or maybe without it in a future version if it ever comes).

Does it integrate with Tor directly? As of now, no. If you want to automatically load FamilyGenerator outputs to Tor, you can:

1. Make sure all your relays has something in common in the Nickname or ContactInfo lines 2. Use a shell script to generate the MyFamily line with FamilyGenerator
 3. Use a cron job to reload Tor after FamilyGenerator runs
 4. Include the output in a Include line in your torrc

Hopefully, a future version can avoid cron (that is, if it comes).

FamilyGenerator is available on GitHub at:


You can install it from PyPI with:

    pip install FamilyGenerator

A FreeBSD port is underway. For Debian users, sorry, but there's no Debian package in the pipeline as I don't use Debian.

That's it.

Thank You,

Neel Chauhan
tor-relays mailing list

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