I was testing FreeBSD 
 a couple of days ago on a Raspberry2.

It started a few times, but then out of the blue it came up with a freezing 
problem as described here:  

I couldn't solve that either an gave up for the time being with FreeBSD on 
Rasp2, but would give another try if somebody here has a solution.


Am 26.07.2018 um 10:06 schrieb nusenu:
> C. L. Martinez:
>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 05:37:00PM +0000, nusenu wrote:
>>>> The person also asked if it's possible to run FreeBSD/OpenBSD in
>>>> a embedded SoC (like Raspberry, or BeagleBone) - yes! it is
>>>> possible, and some people do it :)
>>> OpenBSD is probably not the best choice if you are trying to
>>> increase bandwidth usage
>> Sorry nusenu... But why OpenBSD is not the best choice? OpenBSD for
>> network oriented tasks is one of the best options IMO ... FreeBSD
>> also, but for firewalls, for example, is superior ...
> OpenBSD is perfectly fine, just not if you are currently running Linux 
> + FreeBSD boxes and aiming to increase bandwidth usage. 
> OpenBSD is optimized for security - not performance.
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