Roman Mamedov:
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 03:52:24 +0200
> niftybunny <> wrote:
>> A Tor friendly ISP is gone has nothing to do with a Tor relay mailing list?
> Yes I would say so. Mentioning a few Tor nodes going offline is one thing, but
> by now half of this list is covered in total b/s drivel such as 

Agree strongly.

> On Thu, 4 Oct 2018 14:22:59 -0400
> Nathaniel Suchy <> wrote:
>> Another update:
>> Conrad hired a contractor to replace a broken switch and fix the cabling so
>> the redundant switch would take over in the event of a failure again. An
>> SLA credit will be issued to affected customers.
>> Cordially,
>> Nathaniel Suchy
> Do you REALLY think that this is exactly the place where breaking news about
> a Contractor getting Hired to Replace a Switch and Fix the Cabling at some
> company is of interest to most people? And honestly this entire thing seems
> like a set-up for two drama queens to feel important about themselves.

Yes to the sentiment. This list is not a platform for any provider. Can
anyone imagine if even one or two other providers conducted themselves
similarly on relays@? It's been stated politely before by teor, but much
of the greypony discussion (positive and negative) has no place here.

The term "drama queen" is not appropriate either though. It has sexist
connotations. The irony is that the most over-sensitive person I know in
the public light who does perform dramatically and irrationally happens
to be the president of a certain country, and he identifies strongly as
a male.



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