Yes. As I can see, the bridge is successfully published:

As it is still in measuring phase there isn’t much information yet, but it does 
say running. 

One thing is it says it’s running on Windows 8 (it’s actually running on 
Windows 10), not sure if this is an issue? I can also report that obfs4 is the 
only obfuscation that works via this method, as when I tried to launch the meek 
client, I just got an error saying it failed to launch. Is obfs4 used in China?


From: marvel
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2018 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] I Have Worked Out An (Experiemental) Way To Run 
ARelay Or Obfuscated Bridge On Windows And Update On Relay "Torland"

You can remove the '.txt' part of the filename through the command
prompt using the 'ren' command.


ren "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\tor\torrc.txt" torrc

On 06/10/18 05:12, Keifer Bly wrote:
> do not click tor.exe as it will not recognize torrc in txt file format

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