On January 27, 2019 8:19:43 PM UTC, Keifer Bly <keifer....@gmail.com> wrote:
>So, advertised bandwidth is based on how much bandwidth the clients are
>currently using and not how fast it actually is?

Yes. Here is the description of advertised bandwidth from the glossary:


The volume of traffic, both incoming and outgoing, that this bridge is willing 
to sustain, as configured by the operator and claimed to be observed from 
recent data transfers."


>I had another question as well, I guess I should update the ContactInfo
>line to a not obfuscated email address so the bridge authority can
>reach me easier

We don't send out automated emails to relay or bridge operators. So obfuscated 
emails are fine.

> how can I do this without restarting the relay? I have
>tor expert bundle installed as a Windows service via powershell

Don't worry, you can restart your bridge whenever you need to. Any clients 
using your bridge will switch to one of their other bridges.

If you really don't want to restart your bridge, and you have time to look up 
the detailed steps:

On unix-based operating systems, you can reload Tor's config by sending a 
SIGHUP. Windows doesn't have signals, but you can send a SIGHUP over the 
control port using stem or another Tor controller.

You'll need to configure a control port first.

Search the list archives, https://stem.torproject.org , or the internet for 

If you can't get it to work, write back to us with a link to the steps you 
tried, and links to a paste of your Tor logs and controller session.

Or just restart the bridge.


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