On Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 03:52:48PM +0100, ylms wrote:
> Hello,
> I just setup a new exit, I know it takes time to "train", but I would be
> interested in tips on how to tweak it.
> I just replaces a old exit that used the same IP, but unfortunately we
> lost that config/key.
> So any tips are welcome in general.

It looks good so far! Thanks for running it. It is good to see some
good news from your part of Germany, not just bad proposed policies. :)

> I also have some questions.
> Atlas does not show any IPv6 address, is this normal?

I see that you have an ipv6 exit policy set, but I don't see any
ipv6 address in your relay descriptor.

(You can see your relay descriptor with
"wget" )

If you were advertising an ipv6 address, you would have an "or-address"
line in your descriptor. Compare to Fission1's descriptor:

> WHat loglevel can I set to see if there is any problems, to find
> possible improvements? I know the logging should not be changed, but I
> want tot make sure tor works fine, so I would like to see some more
> information for now.

We recommend notice-level logs. That's what most of the Tor packages
do by default:


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