Hi Ben,

> On 4 Apr 2019, at 10:58, Ben Riley <blades1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've read over a couple of other threads regarding relays being slow, 
> however, I can't figure out why mine is running as slow as it is.

Have you read our wiki page about slow relays?

What do you see when you follow the steps on that page?

> I used to have a FAST flag and was getting a throughput of several hundred 
> KB/sec on my relay. Now I can't remember if I upgraded TOR or just updated 
> the OS, but I lost the flag. I figured that I'd changed something and would 
> have to 'earn' it again after a few days, week and now months?

Normally, relays with slow or high-latency connections to North America and 
Europe won't get used much. Since you're on the other side of the globe, that's 

> According to NYX, my average is 6.4KB/sec. I did have the limit set to 1MB 
> and 2MB burst for the last few months thinking that would be more than enough.
> This morning I changed those (via NYX) to 0 (default) 1GB/s and it looks like 
> it's starting to climb.

Setting a limit faster than your connection makes Tor delay or drop packets. 
Since you already have high latency, drops or delays are going to make your 
measurements worse.

> My internet connection is on a home set up with a connection speed of about 
> 97Mb, so plenty of speed available.

Just use the speed of your connection. (And if it's asymmetric, use the minimum 
of your upload and download.) Careful with the difference between megabits and 
megabytes per second!

> If you look at my previous reports 
> on:https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/9F19251CEE17B1E05084898D164F0544CCB095DD
>  there appears to be a massive drop off in speed during Feb 2019. I'm open to 
> suggestion.

Looking at the 5 year graphs, your relay was used when the network was under 
heavy load for a few months in 2017/2018, and 2018/2019. Now the network isn't 
overloaded any more, clients don't need your relay as much, so it's back to its 
usual level.

> Additionally, I'm considering opening an exit port, but everyone seems to say 
> that is a REALLY bad idea on a home set up. Plus I don't really know what I'm 
> doing :)

Don't open an exit port at home, unless you like dealing with confused police 

If you have another IPv4 address, consider setting up a bridge relay.
(Bridges on the same IP as relays are easy to censor.)

If you don't, try setting up another relay instance on the same IPv4.
(There's a limit of two relays per IPv4 address.)


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