>> On 8 Apr 2019, at 07:57, teor <t...@riseup.net> wrote:
>>> The reason I ask is that I wonder if I should run a second Tor instance or 
>>> if the current one will be able to make use a a reasonable part of the 
>>> 500Mps.
>> It looks like your relay could be CPU-core-limited, or limited by some other
>> local resource, or limited by its location.
>> To work out where the limit is, run another Tor instance.

> On 8 Apr 2019, at 13:00, Conrad Rockenhaus <con...@rockenhaus.com> wrote:
> If Tor doesn't scale on multicore CPUs, setting NumCPUs to 2 and
> running two threads has no effect at all on throughput?

On most systems, Tor automatically sets NumCPUs to the number of
physical CPU cores.

Tor is partially multithreaded, so those extra threads do make a
difference. But if your tor process is limited by main thread
operations, then you need to run another tor process.



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