
I do not want to repeat myself and I really do not care about Open
Collective too much (I am not affiliated with them in any way), but:

> For a German non profit (eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein) you need at 
> least 7 people, lots of paperwork, going to your tax office, yearly mandatory 
> meetings etc.

This is exactly what OpenCollective solves. They have a set of
non-profits which act as host organizations and do all this fiscal
work for you. You do not have to do any paperwork, any taxes, etc.
Those non-profits take 5% for this work, but it does simplify this if
the problem is in person-power to otherwise do this.

> The problem (I think) is not the financial side.

Great. So then 5% + 5% they take to fix the problem mentioned above
could be a reasonable cost for such service. Then the only remaining
jobs would be:

* maintains the social contacts
* gives interviews

The running of nodes themselves would continue to be done by other people.

This is exactly why I brought Open Collective up. Because I have seen
in other projects that people generally like to solve technical things
(in this case that would be running fast Tor nodes) but not really do
the paper work. And Open Collective seems to solve the latter problem
so that you can focus on the former.


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