
> On 16 Aug 2019, at 04:22, potlatch <potla...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> One question remains:  At any time I look there are 20-150 Iranian IP 
> addresses trying to access the Tor server.  Their IP range is from 5.113.x.x 
> to 5.126.x.x.  None have hashed fingerprints.  Is it okay to let these guys 
> go?  Can they harm or slow Tor?  Should I ban them?  I'd like to learn from 
> this.

This is probably a connection error caused by Iranian censorship.

We're working on anti-censorship and stats fixes, but I can't find the
tickets right now.

In the meantime, try using a lower value for Tor's
DoSConnectionMaxConcurrentCount option. The consensus value is 50, but
you should set your value based on the number of connections from a
single IP address. Or just try 25, then 12, ...

If no single IP address is problematic by itself, you can use a
firewall to limit the number of connections, or the new connection
rate, from an entire address block.



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