Good evening to the list!
It's been a while since you've heard news about The Onion Box.
This was due to the fact that I spent some time to implement the ControlCenter, as ability to monitor several (better: as many as you like) Tor nodes in parallel. This picture gives you an impression of a ControlCenter in action.
The latest version is still labeled 'beta', yet seems stable enough to be released for broader testing.
Documentation is not finalized so far, but I'm convinced it is supportive enough to lead you over the low hurdles to setup your box.
To upgrade your installation via pip, please use 'pip install theonionbox==19.2b3 --upgrade' ... as it would otherwise still pull the latest stable release (v4.3.1).
Please note that the support for Python 2 was dropped, so you have to use Python 3.6 or higher to operate your Onion Box.
Any feedback ist highly appreciated. Enjoy!
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