I literally answered the same question on tor.stackexchange.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 23:58, Mighty Wang <w...@mighty.wang> wrote:

>> Switch from root to user = su usrname >Password. The problems start
>> when I try and su to debian-tor. First I get a query for a password which
>> it doesn't have. So I make a pass for debian-tor and enter it when I su to
>> debian-tor. I enter whoami and the response is: user and not debian-tor.
>> With or without a password it doesn't work. Secondly, if I su debia-tor >
>> passwrd - sudo -u debian-tor nyx it produces a page and a half of pure
>> gibberish. Sudo -i to root and enter nyx, it operates perfectly; and yes
>> I understand I shouldn't run nyx as root.
>> How do I become debian-tor so I can operate my bridge correctly? Adriann
>> --
>> It can't be, so therefore it isn't - stanton Friedman
> Hello Kathi
> You need to add your standard user to the debian-tor group. it is not
> necessary to set a password for the debian-tor user or to try to su to
> that debian-tor.
> If your username is kathi then as the following one-liner should do what
> you need on debian:
> "sudo adduser kathi debian-tor"
> Then arm/nyx should fire up as the kathi user...
> regards
> Wang
> --
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