same here,

my 4 relays (guards) all had this log entry, with one of them the log
entries are spread over a quarter of an hour (2 tor instances runnnig on
this one):
(this one is on Central European time zone, CET)

Nov  2 05:15:22 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:15:23 : message repeated 2 times: [ Possible compression bomb;
abandoning stream.]
Nov  2 05:16:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:16:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:17:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:17:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:19:21 : message repeated 5 times: [ Possible compression bomb;
abandoning stream.]
Nov  2 05:19:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:19:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:20:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:22:21 : message repeated 4 times: [ Possible compression bomb;
abandoning stream.]
Nov  2 05:22:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:22:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:23:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:23:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:23:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:24:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:24:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:24:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:25:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:26:21 : message repeated 3 times: [ Possible compression bomb;
abandoning stream.]
Nov  2 05:26:21 : Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:26:23 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:27:21 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:29:39 : Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
Nov  2 05:29:44 : message repeated 3 times: [ Possible compression bomb;
abandoning stream.]

gr. Paul

On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 9:28 PM Chris Dagdigian <> wrote:

> Same on my US exit relay:
> Nov 02 04:03:50.000 [warn] Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 04:03:50.000 [warn] Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
> Christoph Graf <>
> November 2, 2020 at 11:59 AM
> Same here on my bridge:
> Nov  2 06:21:04 raspipfupf Tor[2556]: Possible zlib bomb; abandoning
> stream.
> Nov  2 06:21:04 raspipfupf Tor[2556]: Possible zlib bomb; abandoning
> stream.
> Time is UTC+1, nothing before and after
> Cheers, Christoph
> On 02.11.20 11:05, Guinness wrote:
> _______________________________________________
> tor-relays mailing list
> Guinness <>
> November 2, 2020 at 5:05 AM
> Hi all,
> We are at least 3 users running middle relays from and after having
> some logs like those :
> ```
> Nov 02 05:30:55.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:30:55.000 [warn] Possible zlib bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:30:56.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:31:00.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:31:00.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:31:00.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:31:55.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> Nov 02 05:31:56.000 [warn] Possible compression bomb; abandoning stream.
> ```
> I'm wondering if this is an attack or a new feature (haven't checked
> yet) but I'd like to know how many users are impacted.
> The interesting informations are :
> * Number of warnings
> * What kind of relay it is (middle, exit, entry)
> After your answers, I'll complete the issue I have opened on the bug
> tracker.
> Cheers,
> _______________________________________________
> tor-relays mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> tor-relays mailing list
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