On Sun, 8 Nov 2020 22:21:00 -0000
"Dr Gerard Bulger" <ger...@bulger.co.uk> wrote:

> Worried about dominance of OVH  for relays and exits?   How about Google!
> Setting up a fast server is SO cheap on their https://cloud.google.com/
> platform,  it is tempting to set up relays, if not exits there.  Looking at
> their T&Cs they do not seem to mention TOR or banning running a proxy, but a
> generic list of don't do bad things.   I have two ubuntu servers doing
> running other programmes on there now, and so far cost me $0.78  with fixed
> IP4 addresses.   I have not worked out how to attach IPv6 yet.   
> Of course set DNS of the machines not to be Google's
> So tell me why this is such a bad idea.

Yes there is a catch, the bandwidth pricing. It is common for a fast 100 Mbit
relay to transfer close to its maximum possible 30 TB/month. On Google Cloud
this will cost you at least $2150/month.

There is a reason for OVH's dominance, on OVH you can do the above for $3.5

With respect,
tor-relays mailing list

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