On 10.01.2021 22:23, Keifer Bly wrote:

Sometimes gets hung up. About every two weeks or so, the relay
software gets hung up, causing the relay to go offline. I notice when
this happens, the tor log file becomes unreadable, making it difficult

journalctl -xe
journalctl -u tor.service

What means unreadable? Then something is wrong with logrotate or /etc/logrotate.d/tor.

to tell what was happening with the tor process when this occurs. It
is only when the relay is restarted by running “killall tor” in
terminal and then restarting the relay.

Don't you run Tor as a normal systemd service?
systemctl status tor.service -> shows last errors
systemctl reload tor -> 'killall' is only the last resort

By the way, don't be surprised if your server is under DDoS.
You allow SSH password login for all users!

Allow only one or a group. Example:
/etc/ssh/sshd_config -> AllowUsers Keifer user2 ...
or AllowGroups ssh-users

Login is only recommended via ssh key auth, not with a password!
Or you only allow access via VPN or certain IP's.

Why do you have 'accept 6660-6667' in the torrc?
TCP 6660-6667 and 6697 are well known DDoS ports.
Even if you don't allow exit traffic, I don't know whether that can be exploited.

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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