On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 09:26:21PM +0100, yl wrote:
> The standard Debian tor@default.service has "After=network.target
> nss-lookup.target" in it, so one would think network should be fully
> functional when the services starts, but it was not in my case.
> At the time when tor started the eno0 did not yet have a IPv6, so it
> complained that it could not bind to some port in the config, because the IP
> supplied with the port was not ready yet.

Great find.

If it's easy for you to do, can you install a Tor 0.4.5 deb and see if it
has the same behavior? If yes, then this is a problem with your particular
situation, or a problem with IPv6 that has been there all along. But if
the 0.4.5 deb works and the 0.4.6 deb doesn't, then it is a regression,
perhaps related to the ipv6 changes we did in 0.4.6, and we should try
to track it down.


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