Hey Cristian,

you could run both, but some people think it's not the best idea because if one service gets blocked the other one is also affected.

With dynamic IP addresses, also if they're only changing every other few days, its probably better to run a snowflake proxy as obtaining new bridges for tor users is a bigger effort than connecting to a snowflake proxy (snowflake was kinda more intended to offer proxy services with changing IP addresses and behind NAT...).

Best, fran

On 3/19/22 01:02, Cristian Consonni via tor-relays wrote:
Hi all,

I have a fiber connection at home and I would like to run a bridge or
standalone Snowflake proxy on a dedicated Raspberry Pi 4. I have been reading some threads [1][2] from this list about the topic, but it is not completely clear to me what would be the best choice.

The requirements [3] for running a bridge are 24/7 connectivity and the ability to expose TCP ports; however, I have read that it is also preferred that you have a static IP to run a bridge (in the page about the recent campaign about bridges, having a static IP was listed as a requirement [4]).

In principle my home connection has a dynamic IP, but I have been logging my IP address for the last few days and it seems quite stable (it has not changed for the last 4 days).

What's the best choice? Can I run both?



[1]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2022-February/020298.html [2]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2022-February/020355.html
[3]: https://community.torproject.org/relay/setup/bridge/
[4]: https://blog.torproject.org/run-a-bridge-campaign/
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