On Monday, July 31, 2023, 2:11:52 PM MDT, li...@for-privacy.net 
<li...@for-privacy.net> wrote:
 > On Montag, 31. Juli 2023 00:55:15 CEST Gary C. New via tor-relays wrote:

> > On Sunday, July 30, 2023, 3:30:55 PM MDT, li...@for-privacy.net <lists@for-
privacy.net> wrote:
> > > I don't know if I should ignore that or better configure it that >way:
> > > ORPort NoListen
> > > ORPort 8443 NoAdvertise
> > > ORPort [::1]:8443 NoListen
> > > ORPort 8443 NoAdvertise
> > 
> > Other way around:
> > ORPort 8443 NoListen
> > ORPort NoAdvertise
> Uh thanks, Gus replied me PM 'I can just ignore the logs' and bridge is 
> running with:>
> ORPort>
> AssumeReachable 1
> But I want to test the new obfsbridges future 'only expose obfsports and not 
> ORPort' next days with different configs. You saved me from a stupid pitfall 

When I configured my first OBFS4 bridge, I was also interested in only exposing 
the OBFS4 port. However, I was told that the ORPort must be accessable for the 
OBFS4 bridge to work.
I ended up mirroring many OBFS4 ports on the same IPv4 Address as the ORPort to 
obscure the ORPort among the many OBFS4 ports.
Please let me know, if you are able to get the OBFS4 bridge working without 
exposing the ORPort.

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