Excerpts from Jonathan Proulx's message of November 9, 2023 10:03 am:
> Hi All,
> A little while ago one of my relays switched from usually acting as a
> guard node to never acting as a guard node:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/9715C81BA8C5B0C698882035F75C67D6D643DBE3
> Doesn't matter to me if it's a guard or not jsut want to understand
> what's changed and if it's a problem. Do I have a misconfiguration?
> -Jon

Your relay doesn't have the Stable flag, which is a requirement for 
Guard. If you're not sure why your relay is seen as unstable, you can 
try to run some monitoring software, or sign up for the revamped Tor 
Weather service (https://weather.torproject.org/). Unfortunately, if 
your downtime is due to system updates, you'll need to try to 
consolidate those, as even scheduled restarts are counted against a 
relay for Guard status. I'm not sure what the MTBF criteria are now, but 
restarting more than once a week will probably disqualify a relay from 
being a Guard.

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