On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 03:19:06AM -0400, Roger Dingledine wrote:
> EFF has launched their advocacy campaign for getting more Tor relays
> running at universities:
> https://toruniversity.eff.org/

Cooper has posted an update on how the campaign is going:

Highlights include:

* we have made contact with more already-existing relays at universities,

* we now have some new relays running at universities,

* and we have made better contact with European NRENs (the national-level
university internet connectivity organizations), particularly the ones in
Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Greece.

> So: if you are at a university, or you know somebody who is and want to
> help them, please consider setting up relays there. It can be anything
> from an exit relay (the most useful to Tor users, but the most work in
> terms of local advocacy and relationship-building), to a non-exit relay
> (still very useful to Tor users, because we need more network diversity),
> to a non-NATed Snowflake bridge (currently used most by people in Iran
> to get around their censorship and reach the Tor network).

This part is still true! No time like the present to get involved. :)


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