Small update:

Both metrics pages now show the correct family fingerprints, but the first seen 
date for the guard node is still wrong.

It should be:

2023-11-26 05:00:00 (46 days 9 hours 10 minutes and 42 seconds)

but it shows:

2024-01-10 16:00:00 (22 hours 14 minutes and 17 seconds)

Everything else seems fixed.

On Thursday, January 11th, 2024 at 2:18 AM, George Hartley via tor-relays 
<> wrote:

> Hello,

> for about 3 months I have been hosting two Tor relays:







> After doing system maintenance (mainly upgrading packages), slightly 
> adjusting my "BandwidthRate" and "BandwidthBurst" for both relays and then 
> rebooting the server earlier, the guard relay now shows the following on 
> Metrics, even though the graphs still show the old, correct data:


> > The first time that this relay was seen in the consensus: 2024-01-10 
> > 16:00:00 (8 hours 57 minutes and 21 seconds)


> This is even though metrics shows an uptime of almost 16 hours?!


> The fingerprints did not change according to both the metrics page, and the 
> Tor log.


> I did not delete or mess with each relays DataDirectory or the secret keys.



> I have a MyFamily setting in both relays configs:


> > MyFamily $AF42E6C77196A37F041A1A1E953E51B4656BDC1B, 
> > $7F7D1A5BE88FA7C9358955705AE7AFA61EEDA2B0



> Yet the relays don't show up as being in a family, and Metrics doesn't at all 
> display the other relay counterpart as a family member when visiting the page 
> for the guard or exit.


> There is also no line in the relays journal (from journalctl -u tor@guard) 
> indicating that the guard relay is new to the network, and it retains its 
> older flags.


> This only seems to affect my guard relay, the exit metrics page shows mostly 
> valid data, except for the missing family member.


> Since I did not change anything that would cause this, this is likely a bug 
> with the metrics page, and I would encourage you to look into it.


> Thank you very much,
> George

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