> I usually require https (creation and management), imaps (retrieval),
> smtps/submission (sending), no automatic addition of addresses
> to 'contact' lists when sent via web or smtp, and an outright account
> deletion function.

I meant to include with this: no inclusion of source IP/FQDN in the
headers. And imaps should delete and purge when fetched.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_webmail_providers
> Was quite surprised how many are avail besides "big 3."

I've found some too, just haven't had time to test and catalog them.
GMX is next to try.

> Don't understand clinging to Gmail for dear life.

They just happen to have some really good services and tie-ins that
all rely on having a gmail/google account. I may just cough up $20
for a disposable phone to get that.

If someday the services really become a real world value to me,
sure, I'd get another phone or use my own, no problem :)
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