On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:34 PM,  <and...@torproject.org> wrote:
> Did you install tor-geoipdb package?

I have just added torproject urls to sources.list and installed
tor-geoipdb from deb.torproject.org (lucid). It still doesn't work
when I open vidalia. I think the problem could be that I didn't
install vidalia from the package manager. I downloaded a tar.bz file,
extracted it and I'm using it from my /home.

Anyway I wanted the flags some days ago to see if there was any Tor
Exits from Argentina with the Tor Exit message on port 80 and email
address to contact them and ask them if they had any trouble with ISPs
here. About a month ago I started running an exit node from home and
wanted to know if there was any history here. So I check with
TorStatus and it seems I'm the only one using "This is a Tor Exit
Router" message on :80.
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