On Sun, Aug 07, 2011 at 02:47:24PM +0200, mli...@robin-kipp.net wrote 3.8K 
bytes in 11 lines about:
: so, I've been browsing the web using Tor for some time now, and I have to say 
that, at least with the cir quid I am currently using, I'm quite impressed with 
the performance, especially since I'm only connected through a 3g ap at the 
moment! So, I've had a look around the Torproject site and reading up on how it 
all works and what safeguarding should be performed in order to stay secure. 
So, I was thinking, how could I get all the systems that are part of my own 
home network to access the web securely and anonymously? Well, I came up with 
the following idea, and since some of you guys may have tried this, was 
wondering if this would be practicable:

Many people use Tails[1] for this on a dedicated host, or they're waiting
for the torouter[2] to exist in some form.

[1] http://tails.boum.org
[2] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/Torouter

In either case, the most controversial issue is the transparent routing
of all TCP traffic over Tor. The concern is that this is going to
encourage people do to unsafe things over tor.  Even if it isn't
encouraged, people will use technologies that cannot be properly secured
and merely push the risks from their local network and ISP to exit
relays.  The costs to the user could be high. 

The current discussion is found at

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