Thus spake Joe Btfsplk (

> Someone said the problem of inaccurate notices from TBB that an update 
> was available was fixed.  This morning, I'm still getting the notice.  
> This is the page it accesses if click link in Aurora:
> What * exact file & data * is the version check using in TBB to check 
> against "latest" avail. versions from Tor Project?  I looked at several 
> files - from the version I'm launching - (I * cold booted * machine 
> overnight).  The files indicate I'm indeed using v2.2.33-3 - which also 
> appears to be latest on Tor Project site.

The process is driven by Torbutton, and works like this:

1. Download

2. Compare each entry in that list against the about:config value

3a. If we found a match in the list, load

3b. If we did not find a match in the list, load

3c. If there was a parse error or the download failed, load the
default homepage, which should be

In the case of 3c, there should be a Torbutton WARN message in
Tools->Web Developer->Error Console that tells you the nature of the

Which URL is your TBB loading?

What is the value of torbrowser.version?

Is there anything in the Error Console?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

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