On 15.10.2011 22:16, Andrew Hall wrote:
> I've been using the TBB 2.2.33-2-Windows for the past week or so.
> Since this morning when the browser goes to the home page -
> check.torproject.org - it says "Sorry. You are not using Tor" and states my
> "...IP address appears to be:".
> This IP is always the same no matter how many re-starts of TBB I make. I
> notice the IP resolves to sergii.torproject.org
> I have also tried checking "My ISP blocks connections to the Tor network"
> but this makes no difference.
> Should I be concerned about this ?
> Any advice would be most appreciated.
> Thankyou.
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just do a reinstall of OS and TOR.
Or use it on a live disc, would be most secure.
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