----- Original Message -----
> On Friday, October 14, 2011 12:49:32 Joe Btfsplk wrote:
> > No one's EVER looked into Tor security issues of using themes (from
> > Mozilla addons site) or Firefox GUI enhancement addons, like Tab
> > Mix Plus?
> You could be the first!
> My first step would be to see what information is sent back to
> mozilla's getpersonas.com site by the theme.
I took a look at personas back in 2009: when it was still in an early 
experimental stage and it was distributed as an extension, I was able to 
register a cookie exchange with your browser and personas server. The exchanged 
cookie contained the IP address of the browser as seen by the server.
I noted it in my 2009 e-privacy talk: 
http://sid77.slackware.it/tor/TorWeb20.pdf (Italian only, sorry).
However, since personas get stable and became an official feature of Firefox I 
wasn't able to record that cookie again, so I didn't mention it in the next 

Marco Bonetti
Tor research and other stuff: http://sid77.slackware.it/
Slackintosh Linux Project Developer: http://workaround.ch/
Linux-live for powerpc: http://workaround.ch/pub/rsync/mb/linux-live/

My GnuPG key id: 0x0B60BC5F
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