On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Orionjur Tor-admin
<tor-ad...@orionjurinform.com> wrote:
> [Off-topic]Anonymous are very strange people. I cannot understand their
> political position. I understand their actions such as "Occupy
> Wall-Street", but I don't understand their fighting with "pedophilia".
> 'Pedofilia', in the general rule, is not a good thing, but it is not a
> global problem such as poverty, starvation, social inequality and etc.
> Furtherinmore buorgeois governments use "fighting with pedofilia' as
> pretext on suppresion their people, breaching human rights, banning
> normal human life on pseudo-religious basis (I am meaning various
> interdictions of sexual life of teenagers, i.e. quite ault for sexual
> life people, and etc.)  and creating low-cost labour power in type of
> prisoners for their capitalists.[/off-topic]

One of the professors in my department here at NYU is Gabriella
Coleman, whom a number of you know.  She's an anthropologist that
studies hackers and she's been especially interested in Anonymous.  If
I can channel her, I think she'd first say that Anonymous isn't a
well-defined entity (with apparently all but two of the "original"
folks in jail), so to subscribe any specific act to them and link it
to past acts isn't something that should be especially instructive.

Still, one can imagine that if you're a hacktivist group that is seen
as being generally "bad" for focusing your efforts on people in
positions of economic and political power, it might be in line with
your views to focus on messing with unbelievably undeniable creeps,
child pornographers and their customers, who are in positions of power
with respect to a very vulnerable section of our society... and if
that has a side effect of people saying, "Whoa. Way to go Anonymous."
then that's "gravy", as we say in the US.

best, Joe

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Media, Culture and Communication
New York University
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