On 10/21/2011 11:52 PM, Jim wrote:
Hi All,

Perhaps a few days ago when I was trying to access Hushmail via Tor I was told my "computer" was blocked, possibly because of abuse. A quick modification of torrc to exlcude a few particular exit nodes let me access Hushmail. Afterwards, I reverted torrc, removing the exclusions, and I have subsequently used Hushmail several times w/o problems. Tonight I am having problems again and this time I am seeing the problems on a number of different exit nodes. I am wondering if essentially the whole Tor network has become poisoned as far as Hushmail is concerned.

Is anybody else seeing any problems?

Don't know for sure, but it's possible for a given time period / day, if Hushmail gets X people trying to access accts from same (Tor) addresses, they perceive it as possible hacking attempt or other malicious activity. They may not know it's a Tor address / node, just that they're getting multiple requests to access diff accts from same IP address. Just a guess.

How many, if any, users access Hushmail via Tor on a given day from same IP address could vary day to day. Some email servers also don't like it if you use an exit node in foreign countries, diff from one used to set up the acct.
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